ムラマツ シュキ    MURAMATSU Shuki
   村松 朱喜
食健康科学部 健康デザイン学科
女性健康科学研究所 所属教員
国際文化研究所 所属教員
生活機構研究科 生活科学研究専攻
発表年月日 2021/03/06
発表テーマ Evaluation of Acceptability of Cashew Apple Jam in Cambodia
発表学会名 The 12th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development
主催者 ISERD, the International Society of Environmental and Rural Development
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 ポスター
単独共同区分 共同
開催地名 Online
発表者・共同発表者 Sokly Sorm, Yoshiki Muramatsu, Daiki Oka, Yuri Tanikoka, Masataka Uchino, Shuki Muramatsu, Motoe Sekido, Takahiko Nakamura, Toru Nakajima, Eiichiro Sakaguchi, Shotaro Kawakami, Chim Chay, Mari Arimitsu and Machito Mihara
概要 In Cambodia, a cashew plant is one of an industrial crop and it is commercialized only
cashew nuts. The rest of cashew fruit: cashew apples are not utilized and became a waste.
Although jam product is the existing processed food, jam made from cashew apple is limited.
New processed food made from local sites is expected to the increase of income for the
farmer and also support independence of them. Jam can store at room temperature and
comparatively easily made with no special devices.
The aim of this study is an investigation of the acceptability of the cashew apple jam
based on a sensory evaluation test in Cambodia. The sensory evaluation test for the two types
of cashew apple jam was conducted in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in September 2019 for 70
persons. We call the sample added the sterilization procedure a reheated jam.
Almost panelists answered the reheated jam was sweeter than
the hot-pack jam.