ヨネクラ ユキコ    YONEKURA Yukiko
   米倉 雪子
国際学部 国際学科
発表年月日 2023/11/12
発表テーマ General Presentation Session: Rural development (English) Commentator
発表学会名 the 34th JASID Annual Conference
学会区分 全国学会
発表形式 その他
単独共同区分 単独
国名 日本
開催地名 Sophia University's Yotsuya Campus
開催期間 2023/11/12~2023/11/13
概要 On-site session: Oral Presentation. Rural development (English)
Chair: Yasuyuki SAWADA (University of Tokyo) Commentator: Kazushi TAKAHASHI (GRIPS), Yukiko YONEKURA (Showa Women's University)
1. Heterogeneous Effects of Horticulture Commercialization and Household Decision-making on Smallholder Farmers Income: Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Study in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia (Kyushu University)
2. Empowerment Mechanisms of the 'SHEP Approach' on Horticultural Behaviour Change of Smallh lder Farmers: A Case of Kenya (Kyushu University)
3. Economic Analysis of Income Generation Through Creation of Dairy Farmers Union. A Case Study on Balkh Dairy Union, Afghanistan (Kyushu University)
4. Rural Transitions in Migration and Inter Ethnic Shifts during the Post-Cash Crop Boom: A Case of the Taiwanese-Introduced Oolong Tea Industry in Vietnam's Central Highlands (Kyoto University)