(最終更新日:2024-03-21 15:08:14)
   ワタナベ トモコ    WATANABE Tomoko
   渡邊 知子
国際学部 国際学科
文学研究科 言語教育・コミュニケーション専攻 博士前期課程
英語学, 外国語教育 (キーワード:語用論、談話分析、会話分析) 
1. 2015/11/27
1. 2024/04~ 昭和女子大学大学院 文学研究科 言語教育・コミュニケーション専攻 博士前期課程 准教授
2. 2023/04~ 昭和女子大学 国際学部 国際学科 准教授
3. 2019/04~2021/03 昭和女子大学 総合教育センター 専任講師
4. 2019/04~2023/03 昭和女子大学 国際学部 国際学科 専任講師
5. 2018/04~2019/03 昭和女子大学 国際学部 英語コミュニケーション学科 助教
6. 2016/04~2018/03 昭和女子大学 人間社会学部 現代教養学科 特命講師
1. 2023/03 論文  The Use of English Vague Language and Discourse Co-Construction in Discussions Spoken in English as a Lingua Franca (単著) 2023/03 Link
2. 2020/06 論文  ELFでの日本人英語使用者の曖昧表現の使用と参与者間の共有 (単著) 2020/06 Link
3. 2017/02 論文  Pragmatic and Discourse-oriented Functions of English General Extenders Spoken by Japanese Users of English in the Speaking Test (単著) 2017/02
4. 2015/11 論文  A corpus-based study of the use of English general extenders spoken by Japanese users of English across speaking proficiency levels and task types (博士論文:PhD Thesis) (単著) 2015/11
5. 2011 論文  Functions of and so on and or something (like that) spoken by Japanese learners of English at different speaking proficiency levels in a learner corpus (単著) 2011
6. 2006/09 その他 A study of general extenders and teaching general extenders as a potential communication strategy to Japanese senior high school students (修士論文:Master's Dissertation) (単著) 2006/09
1. 2021/08/18 The use of English vague language and discourse co-construction in discussions spoken in English as a lingua franca(The 19th World Congress of International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA))
2. 2019/11/23 English as a lingua franca (ELF)での日本人英語使用者の曖昧表現の使用と参与者間の共有(日本語用論学会第22回大会)
3. 2019/03/06 The use of maybe by Japanese speakers of English across task types and speaking proficiency levels(昭和女子大学英語コミュニケーション学科2018年度英コミ教員学術研究会)
4. 2016/04 Combining research into teacher belief with a corpus-based study to discuss pedagogical implications of the corpus-based findings in language education(第25回JACET言語教師認知研究会 研究発表会)
5. 2013/09 Functions of and stuff in a corpus of English spoken by Japanese users of English(The 46th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics)
6. 2013/09 L2 speakers’ use of English general extenders and language educators’ perceptions in their use(‘Interweaving: Connecting educational research within, between and across perspectives’ conference)
7. 2013/07 A Critical exploration of the use of English general extenders in a corpus of Japanese learner speech at different levels of speaking proficiency(The seventh International Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL2013))
8. 2010/09 Functions of English general extenders spoken by Japanese learners of English in a learner corpus(The 43rd Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics)
9. 2010/06 The use of or something/or something like that by Japanese learners of English in a learner corpus(The fifth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies)
10. 2009/05 Frequency of English vague language forms used by Japanese learners at different proficiency level: an analysis of a spoken EFL corpus(The British Association for Applied Linguistics / Cambridge University Press / University of Edinburgh Applied Linguistics Seminar 2009)
1. 2006~ British Association for Applied Linguistics
2. 2006~ 大学英語教育学会
3. 2022/05~ 日本言語政策学会