シム チュン・キャット    Sim Choon Kiat
   SIM Choon Kiat
人間社会学部 現代教養学科
女性文化研究所 所属教員
生活機構研究科 福祉社会研究専攻
発表年月日 2018/08/25
発表テーマ Closing the Achievement Gap at Primary Schools in Meritocratic Singapore
発表学会名 The 4th Asia Future Conference in Seoul
主催者 Sekiguchi Global Research Association, Atsumi International Foundation
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 Seoul, South Korea
概要 This paper examines the strategies adopted by Singapore primary schools in helping the under-achievers and for closing the achievement gap between the 'cans' and 'cannots'. A neighborhood school with a high concentration of socio-economically disadvantaged students was selected for this study and data were collected through interviews with the Principal, Heads of Department, Teachers as well as 4th grade students from low performing classes. A series of participatory observations were also conducted in Math and Language classes with academically challenged students, to follow the interaction between teachers and students over time.
This paper aims to shed light on the reality of primary education in Singapore and to review the pros and cons of tracking students, i.e. separating them by interest or ability level especially at a young age.