ボルジギン フスレ    Borjigin HUSEL
   ボルジギン 呼斯勒
国際学部 国際学科
国際文化研究所 所属教員
生活機構研究科 生活文化研究専攻
生活機構研究科 生活機構学専攻
発表年月日 2018/08/31
発表テーマ Kyakhta and Hüriye on the Map Drawn by China in the First Half of the 20th Century
発表学会名 The 11 th International Symposium in Ulaanbaatar "Kyakhta and Khüriye: From the Viewpoints of Eurasia"
主催者 Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA), Atsumi International Foundation, Institute of International Culture, Showa Women's University, Department of Asian Studies, School of Arts and Sciences, Mongolian National University
学会区分 研究会・シンポジウム等
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
概要 This paper examines as objects of research "The Kyakhta and Hüriye Preparedness Map" drawn in the last years of the Qing Dynasty and the maps "Kyakhta", "Hüriye" drawn by Chinese Military Departments during the period of 1917-1943. The background of these maps, as well as the intentions and positions of the Chinese government which are reflected by the maps, are discussed.