カスヤ ミサコ    KASUYA Misako
   粕谷 美砂子
人間社会学部 現代教養学科
女性文化研究所 所属教員
生活機構研究科 福祉社会研究専攻
国際文化研究所 所属教員
生活機構研究科 生活機構学専攻
福祉社会・経営研究科 福祉共創マネジメント専攻
現代ビジネス研究所 所属教員
発表年月日 2017/08/07
発表テーマ A study of sustainable life management in agricultural, mountain, and fishery villages in Japan and information access of women farmers
発表学会名 19th Biennial International Congress, Asian Regional Association for Home Economics
主催者 Asian Regional Association for Home Economics
学会区分 国際学会
発表形式 口頭(一般)
単独共同区分 単独
開催地名 Natinal Olympic Memorial Youth Center, Tokyo
発表者・共同発表者 Misako KASUYA
概要 The result of this study first demonstrate the important of agricultural gender statistics as social information. Second, a case study of the entepreneurial activities of females in the southern coastal area of Iwate prefecture, which suffered from the East Japan great earthquake, we considered the possibility of sustainable life from agricultural labor and life reproduction labor of agricultural farmers. Third, we considered the difficulty of sustainable life management and information access of the Akha ethnic group from the food processing technology supporting activity by former Japanese life improvementand distribution of staff to achieve economic interdependence of femailes of the Akha ethnic group, mountain dwellers of Chiang Rai,in noethern Thailand.