マッカーシー ジョン    John Emmet McCarthy
   マッカーシー ジョン
国際学部 英語コミュニケーション学科
発表年月日 2017/07
発表テーマ Implementing an Outcome-Based Curriculum
会議名 University-wide Kyomu meeting
主催者 Showa Women's University
開催地名 Showa Women's University
会議区分 その他
講演区分 講師
単独共同区分 単独
概要 This workshop explains the process by which Showa Boston developed and implemented an outcome-based curriculum. This process included the creation of a new committee structure, the assignment of tasks to those committees, and the development of avenues for faculty input and feedback. In addition, the workshop addresses the need for faculty professional development and evaluation. The workshop also covers the importance of standardizing assessment practices and the transparent communication of those practices to faculty and students.